The Production Pack v2.7.0.0
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Mod The Production Pack v2.7.0.0 for Farming Simulator 2022

Hello, glad you found my mod pack.

Version 2.7.0
- New production butcher shop
- Carnage can only be played in combination with a production change scenario.

What is waiting for you?
I have created many different product lines including ball triggers and 30 new fill types.

In version 2.5.0, the content of the production pack is split into separate small mod packs. Now each user can decide for himself what he wants to play with.
Buildings and productions must be placed NEW.

The maximum number of settings in LS22 is 60 pieces.
It is recommended to install the following mod:

---> Other productions are possible (120) <---

You can only get the latest versions and updates here at Modhoster.
Here you have the only opportunity to get the package from the original download link.
With the original package link can be referenced on mod sites.
Distribution or downloading without a link to the pack to other mod sites is prohibited.

I will be very glad to responses and comments.
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Price: 110.000 €
Volume: 100,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 110 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 10.000 liters
Benötigte Rohstoffe: Heu, Stroh, Silage, Mineralfutter, Gerste, Sonnenblumen, Zuckerrüben, Kalk, Kartoffeln, Mais, Hirse, Weizen, Raps
Product: Mischration, Mineralfutter, Schweinefutter
Ballentrigger for: Heu, Stroh, Silage
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Price: 110.000 €
Volume: 60,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 110 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 6.000 liters
Benötigte Rohstoffe: Gras, Häckselgut
Product: Heu, Silo
Ballentrigger for: Gras, Heu, Silage
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Price: 10.000 €
Volume: 40,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 10 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 400 liters
Benetigte Rostoffe: Wasser, Saatgut, Fog
Product: Tomaten, Lettuce, Erdbeeren, Bananen, Cannabis, Bonen, Blumenkol, Zimt, Cocoa, Cranberry, Gurken, Knoblauch, Hopfen, Kiwi, Pilze, Zwiebel, Paprika, Petersilie, Erdnuss, Pepperoni, Curbis, Himbere, Wassermelone
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Price: 5.000 €
Volume: 20,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 5 € / tag
Production / Stunde: 200 liters
Benetigte Rostoffe: Wasser, Saatgut, Fog
Product: Tomaten, Lettuce, Erdbeeren, Bananen, Cannabis, Bonen, Blumenkol, Zimt, Cocoa, Cranberry, Gurken, Knoblauch, Hopfen, Kiwi, Pilze, Zwiebel, Paprika, Petersilie, Erdnuss, Pepperoni, Curbis, Himbere, Wassermelone
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Price: 2.500 €
Volume: 10,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 2 € / tag
Production / Stunde: 100 liters
Benetigte Rostoffe: Wasser, Saatgut, Fog
Product: Tomaten, Lettuce, Erdbeeren, Bananen, Cannabis, Bonen, Blumenkol, Zimt, Cocoa, Cranberry, Gurken, Knoblauch, Hopfen, Kiwi, Pilze, Zwiebel, Paprika, Petersilie, Erdnuss, Pepperoni, Curbis, Himbere, Wassermelone
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Price: 10.000 €
Volume: 100,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 10 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 2.000 liters
Benötigte Rohstoffe: Steine, Zuckerruben, Holz
Product: Calc, Streusalz, Zuckerrubenschnitzel, Hackschnitzel
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Price: 20.000 €
Volume: 150,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 20 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 3.000 liters
Benötigte Rohstoffe: Weizen, Gerste, Mist, Kalk, Wasser, Flüssigdünger, Diesel, Gülle
Product: Saatgut, Dünger, Flüssigdünger, Pflanzenschutzmittel
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FS22_AIO_Gas Station:
Price: 5.000 €
Indications: /
Unterhaltskosten: 5 € / tag
Products / Stunde: /
Benyotigte Rostoffe: /
Product: /
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Price: 5.000 €
Indications: /
Unterhaltskosten: 5 € / tag
Products / Stunde: /
Benyotigte Rostoffe: /
Product: /
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Price: 1.000 €
Indications: /
Unterhaltskosten: 1 € / tag
Products / Stunde: /
Benyotigte Rostoffe: /
Product: /
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Price: 10.000 €
Volume: 10,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 10 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 100 liters
Benötigte Rohstoffe: Raps, Sonnenblumen, Zuckerrübenschnitzel, Silage, Gülle, Mist, Diesel
Product: Diesel, Strom, Methane
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Price: 20.000 €
Volume: 100,000 l
Unterhaltskosten: 20 € / Tag
Production / Stunde: 200 liters
Benötigte Rostoffe: Wasser
Product: Calc

Credits: Switty


Download68.68 MB

TAGS:v2.7.0.0, Pack, production

