Universal Autoload v0.4.1.0 (1.4.x)
0 44 22

THE FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE. Most of the things I've tried are working so far, BUT there are likely to be a lot of errors. Please test and leave any bug reports or feedback.

What is there here:
- The single player game works as it should for bales, pallets and large bags.
- Multi-user download has been smooth so far, BUT I've only done basic testing. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- Any new vehicles will receive auto-loading after purchase in the store (see below).
- Any valid vehicles in the saved game will load the settings if available.

- All pallets, large bags and bales are supported by default
- Automatic detection of trailer loading zones (in the store)
- User interface for setting the size of the loading area in the store before purchase
- No external configuration files required!!

- Use the middle mouse click in the store to activate editing
- Right click and drag to move individual faces
- ALT-right mouse click and drag to move the opposite faces (use this for the width)
- SHIFT-right mouse click and drag to move the entire area
- CTRL with any of the above for precise control
- SHIFT-CTRL middle mouse click to automatically calculate the zone from scratch (if you made a mistake)
- The configuration can be edited in the XML mod settings (if you know what you are doing)

In version
- An attempt to reduce the load on the processor. Moved the basic UAL calculations to onUpdateTick instead of onUpdate. Reduced the upload delay per object from 200 ms to 150 ms.

Credits: loki79uk


Download268.19 KB

TAGS:AUTOLOAD, (1.4.x), v0.4.1.0, Universal

