Pickup Hand Harvester v1.0.0.0 (1.4.x)
0 48 19

Conversion of a basic game pickup truck into a small harvester for harvesting root crops with two workers on each side.
It can harvest potatoes, sugar beets, carrots, parsnips, red beets, peas, spinach and green beans.
It has gone up a bit and has full AI support.
The density warnings can be ignored, as soon as the Giants adjust the new scripts, I will try to port the multiflruit scripts to make this machine for all crops without warnings.
There are two versions of the engine with their own sounds.
There are two versions for potatoes and sugar beet, otherwise the AI will not work.

Credits: IllGib


Download15.78 MB

TAGS:Harvester, (1.4.x), v1.0.0.0, pickup, hand

