Field Repair Pickup v1.0.0.0 (1.4.x)
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A 2017 pickup truck with an extension for field repairs.

- Power: 300 hp
- Max.: 120 km/h
- 4000 L diesel fuel tank
- The price is $45,000
- A 4000 L diesel tank is available for refueling in the field.
- Repairs are paid in cash.
- Refueling with the car closed on the right side.
- Refueling in the field on the left side.
- Repair with the car open at the rear.
- Choose the color of the chassis, wheels and body.
- There is also a small high-pressure cleaner for washing windows in the trunk.

Credits: Achimobil


Download4.74 MB

TAGS:Repair, pickup, (1.4.x), v1.0.0.0, Field

