1976 Ibishu Claria v1.4 (0.34.x)
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The 1976 Ibishu Claria is a rear—wheel-drive station wagon with a rigid roof, produced in Japan since 1976 and equipped with 2.4 L/C24 and 2.6 L/C26 Ibishu C-series engines. A variety of trim levels were available at the factory, from the GS 2400, equipped with standard functions and hoods, to the GTz 2600, which was equipped with A Brewer C26 carburetor with a unique combination of red and white thin stripes, up to the Luxe 2600 Clari-Matic. Equipped with a luxurious interior for comfort and a Clari-Matic transmission to make driving as enjoyable as possible. Outside of the factory, Claria was usually built for drift and car shows, rarely built for track racing.

Fashion Features
– Various interior options;
– Multiple types of wheels;
– 23 configurations;
– HQ quality.

In version 1.4:
- Added halogen light smoothing;
- Improved light textures;
- Fixed spring and shock absorber settings for racing/rally and improved user configurations. Any custom configurations using these parts will probably need to be reconfigured.

Credits: LJ74


Download246.11 MB

TAGS:(0.34.x), 1976, v1.4, Ibishu, Claria

