Peterman 3790 v3.7.0
0 173 61

The real name of the car is Peterbilt 390. It has: - 1 own + 3 standard types of engine; - 4 own + 1 standard type of gearbox; - 2 own + 4 standard types of suspension; - 22 own + 32 standard pairs of interchangeable wheels; - 1 own + 2 standard types of winches; - 3 standard spares; - 4 own + 6 standard types of snorkel; - plug-in all-wheel drive; - 24 own + 33 standard addons; - Your wheels, bumpers and equipment for the cab; - Own accessories in the cabin; - Your decorations on the hood. Registered standard trailers and semi-trailers from trucks. Version 3.7.0 for SnowRunner (v17.2): - Added decorations on the hood; - Correction of the grille; - Added wheels; - Added the ability to tow a heavy stone trailer; - Added their addons; - Increased durability of the fuel tank; - Reduced price on all universal decorations; - Fixed some collisions of addons; - Further reduction and adjustment of the cdt of the EV engine; - Improved MMR tire textures.

Credits: maxmike181


Download130.7 MB

TAGS:PETERMAN, 3790, V3.7.0

