Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness v0.0.0.1
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Animals Hud displays all the details on the screen.

Animals in the stable
Purity in%
Food in liters + current filling volume +%
Water, straw, etc.

You can choose for yourself what should be displayed. combos are also possible.
CTRL + ALT + U = Chickens
CTRL + ALT + I = cows
CTRL + ALT + J = horses
CTRL + ALT + O = pigs
CTRL + ALT + T = sheep

KEYS under each block indicate which key should be pressed to close.
IMPORTANT!! The mod is in beta and may contain bugs. Multiplayer has not been tested!

Credits: Deekay


Download19 KB

TAGS:Number, Levels, animals, hud, cleanliness, v0.0.0.1

