Drei Stühle BETA v1.0.0.0 (1.4.x)
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Drei Stühle is a map of forests and meadows that is located in the Black Forest and is currently in its first beta version. The idea of creating this map came from an EU-Eble video.
Although the place exists in reality, the map is not a 1:1 copy — there are some adjustments.
The height data is accurate to 30 meters. This means that the streets are not exactly the same as in reality.
The map is very steep in many places, which makes it particularly challenging. About 80% of the region is actually forested, and I've turned some of these areas into meadows. This means that these areas are entered as fields and can be processed by AI, but there are only INTENSIVE grass missions there, but you can plant all the fruits from the standard game, the growth calendar has not yet been adjusted.
Of course, you can add your own fields after you remove the trees, but as in the standard game, they are not controlled by AI.
Forest and field plots can be purchased separately. All fields contain a small amount of forest.
- 43 meadows with a total area of 92 hectares
- 52 forest plots with a total area of 404 hectares and approximately 44 thousand trees. (You cannot plant new trees, even if the limit is not reached!)
- Price: 20,000 euros/ha
- Start a farm with a cowshed and chicken coop, as well as enough vehicles.
- Trading stations and some production facilities
- There are wood and stone missions, but currently there are only a few.
- ALL buildings, decorations, and productions can be sold in their entirety.
- Asphalt roads were not created in Blender, because I do not know how to use this tool, and I do not want to know how to use it, but the map anyway consists of 80% of field and forest paths. Giants, why isn't there a built-in scripting tool?  However, the splines are laid out correctly, so that all roads are recognized by the auxiliary AI. Further tests and fine-tuning are still necessary, I recommend using tools such as Courseplay and Autodrive, they are fundamentally necessary.
*Since this is a beta version*, minor bugs may still occur.
Okay, enough chatter, the screenshots will take care of the rest.

Credits: Likita666


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TAGS:v1.0.0.0, BETA, drei, Stühle, (1.4.x)

