Mercedes-Benz AMG SL63 v1.15 (0.32.x)
0 854 316

- High-quality model;
- Well-developed engine and engine compartment;
- Elaborate interior;
- PBR textures;
- Good Jbeam;
- Animated dashboard, windshield projection, gear selector, turn signal switch;
- Working lighting;
- Working mirrors;
- Working navigator;
- Active spoiler;
- Openable Mod;
- 2 front and rear bumper options;
- 5 interior options;
- Your wheels;
- 4 configurations.

Version 1.15 for (v0.32.x):

- All lighting elements have been improved;
- Improved skin texture in the cabin;
- Reduced the glow of the arrow on the digital sensor screen;
- Fixed trunk opening;
- The last gear and the maximum speed have been adjusted;
- Improved transmission names and gear ratios;
- Engine torque has been adjusted;
- Reduced shaking of the base of the windshield.

Credits: Phaien


Download170.15 MB

TAGS:V1.15, Mercedes-Benz, SL63, (0.32.x)

