Speed Island v2.20 Monster Arena Update (0.34.x)
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This is an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a high-speed highway in the shape of an eight.
In addition, there are other entertainment options.

- Unzip the downloaded file
- Copy the figure8test folder to C:\Users\ВАШЕ_ИМЯ\AppData\Local\BeamNG.drive\latest\levels (levels must be created if there is no such folder).
- Play!

In version 2.20:
- Redesigned the Monster track and added AI parking on the track.
- AI cars must now park between ramps.
- Note: The number of visible cars may vary depending on the game settings. Cars should respawn if damaged.
- Added 2 Arena Bowls. They are of two different sizes.
- Added 2 massive ramps at the end of the drag strip.
- A large part of the coastal zone near the passage has been developed
- Fixed missing grids and some floating objects.
- Some landscape textures have been adjusted

Credits: stevelindner


Download390.07 MB

TAGS:v2.20, Island, (0.34.x), speed, Arena, Update, monster

