Multi-purpose production for making flour, cakes, bread and cereals. All basic bakery game recipes and four new products have been added: wholemeal flour, wholemeal bread, corn flower and corn tortilla. I've also enabled a sales station for
new items and everything else except logs.
- Category: Products
- Price: $55,000
- Product recipes:
Flour Recipes
- 20 wheat to 15 100 flour with cycles per hour
- 15 oats to 15 100 flour with cycles per hour
- 15 rice to 15 100 flour with cycles per hour
Bread Recipes
- 25 flour to 20 bread 50 with cycles per hour
- 25 rice flour to 20 bread 50 cycles per hour
Cake Recipes
- 10 flour
- 10 sugar
- 10 milk
- 10 eggs
- 10 butter
- 10 strawberries to 45 cakes with 15 cycles per hour
- 8 rice flour
- 10 sugar
- 10 milk
- 10 eggs
-10 butter
-10 strawberries to 45 cakes with 15 cycles per hour
Cereals recipes
- 10 Honey
- 10 Raisins
- 40 Oatmeal
- 40 Corn to 50 Grains with 15 cycles per hour
- 10 Honey
- 10 Chocolate
- 40 Oatmeal
- 40 Corn to 50 Grains with 15 cycles per hour
- 10 Honey
- 10 Chocolates in 50 Grains with 15 cycles per hour
New recipes
Whole grain flour Recipe
- 20 Wheat in 20 Whole Grain flour with 100 cycles per hour
Corn Flour Recipe
- 20 Corn per 20 Corn flour with 100 cycles per hour
Whole grain bread Recipe
- 25 Corn flour in 20 Whole Grain bread with 50 cycles per hour
Corn Tortilla Recipe
- 25 Corn flour in 20 Corn tortillas with 50 cycles per hour |