We took what was broken and useless and turned it into a working machine. It's by no means perfect, but the basic things that matter work. There are one or two bugs left, but we are working on them, and they do not affect the gameplay at all.
- Price: 67000;
- Power: 400 hp;
- Choice of wheels;
- Trailed;
- Works in multi-user mode.
In version (08.12.24):
The mod version is now completely complete, except for the addition of the ability to change colors. We are still working on it.
- All major bugs have been fixed;
- The interior and the whole truck are now solid;
- The truck can carry 440 liters of diesel fuel and can be used to refuel other containers/equipment;
- The collision is working correctly;
- Functional running lights;
- Added other visual options;
- Correct store images have been added;
- Other small settings. Credits: Dragons&Slayers, SMR, wheelman |