Buy Used Equipment v
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Great news! A local dealership has announced that they will finally start selling used cars. They will look in the surrounding areas for favorable offers for used high-quality equipment in good mechanical condition and sell it through the store.

From now on, the choice is yours: either you prefer to buy brand new shiny equipment, or you prefer to save some money by getting a reasonable price for used, but well-functioning equipment.

Most of the equipment can be purchased as used. They will most likely be somewhat dirty and will certainly spend a sufficient number of hours.

- Now you have the opportunity to buy a used car or tool at discounted prices;
- If you need to use some equipment for a longer period of time, you can now buy a used item instead of renting it;
- Supports (actually works best) seasons;
- Equipment purchased as used will fall in price less than new equipment.

Details (Standard Game):
- Used items will be bought at a discount of about 20%;
- The items used will be used for about ten days (it is assumed that it will be about a couple of years of IRL);
- The items used will have about 5 hours of working time (which will be equivalent to 500+ hours of IRL).

Details (Seasons):
- Used items will be bought at a discount of about 30%;
- Used items will be used for several years;
- The items used will have more than 100 hours of working time (which will be equivalent to 500+ hours of IRL).

Notes / Upcoming Features:
- The balance between how worn the item is and how big the discount is should be adjusted;
- Also some items have very noticeable wear, while some items, on the other hand, have very subtle wear - this needs to be adjusted;
- Currently, wear and discounts vary quite a lot between seasons and the standard game, this should be balanced in the future.

Version for Farming Simulator 2019 (v1.7x):

- Correction: it was impossible to buy equipment with complete items (for example, some loaders, a warzee straw machine, etc.).

Credits: w33zl


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TAGS:Used,, Equipment

