YMZ-8071 - Alteration of v 3.0
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I present to you the mod for YMZ-8071, I will immediately tell you the mod I will refine. Specifications:

- Power: 60-80 hp;
- Speed 35 km/h;
- - Traction class: 1.4 t;
- Cost 21300;

The following configurations are available:

- Engine D65/rm80;
- Wings/air conditioning/all together;
- Standard/wide wheels.

The tractor works with the mod at the checkpoint. I must say right away, I took the mod YUMZ 6kl as a basis, the authors of which (sasha dith / Max1985, Tornado, Nickel77, Clondike, Xenia). I'm just the author of the alteration. In the future there will be models YMZ-8040/8240/8271/8244.

Credits: DiMoNiO


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TAGS:Alteration, YMZ-8071

